Some of my work from Fly Magazine

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Libya gets robbed by US/Nato, Al-Quieda

The corruption must stop. The US and UN have sold the humanitarian effort over what is now a privatization and humanitarian disaster. US media reports that "rebel forces have entered tripoli," and that Ghaddifi is cornered. During the same time these reports come out, The Libyan leader is on the national tv and 25 Libyan loyalist trucks pull into green square to defend the city. Although the US/Nato forces have been carpet bombing the capital (humanitarian effort) while telling the us they are not involved... IMF e=loans and drop to the bottom for Libya could be soon.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What drives you?

I met a woman today in class in the exchange she asked me, "What drives you?" and before I opened my mouth to speak the answer she said, "Wait! don't answer... Tell me on Wednesday.. think about it."

So I pondered the question all day... What Drives you?


an undying urge,
an undying fire in the pit of my solarplex,
in the pit of my belly.
An urge, a fire, that screams, break the cycle!

an unbridled fire that burns deep into the spiritual core of my being,
a burn that beats, that screams into my mind, Get out and change!

Memories etched into the subconscious of my mind of cold nights,
2 am violence driven escapes, into the cold lynolium floors of shelters.
Cold dark rooms of voucher apointed hotels used by the homeless.

A will driven by the family members, past their prime, that have never eaten at a 5 star restaurant,
that have never touched the sand of a beach,
that will never sit in the chair of an airplane.

Family who were engulfed in the crack epidemic of their era,
only to be left with scattered memories and past regrets.

The undying desireto not be the same carbon copy
over materialized, militarized consumer.
The urge to think freely,
outside of the oppressed stagnant thinking,
corporate despotism that plagues our nation.

The rebelious nature of my tribal ancestors,
ancestors whose voices echo in history of their defiance of controll.

The face of my mother.
The face of my mother who would not die when those 4 bullets entered her body,
who never let go when hanging on the edge of existence.

The will of a people who came to this country in 1560 to escape religious persecution,
blood from chiefs who lead harmonious people through times of attack against them...
I hear their drums, I hear their songs, I know they are with me.

What drives you?