Some of my work from Fly Magazine

Friday, April 29, 2011

More mainstream media lies..

Recently the Obama administration in what appeared to be a move to try to silent the birther movement may have opened the can of worms. The birth certificate issued by the White house is so heavily photoshopped that it will only add to the hysteria.

Coupled with the fact that the administration has lied about almost virtually everything on the agenda from Obama's connections to the CIA to invading Libya troops that at this point it is insulting to anyone with half a brain.

The Los Angeles Times article plainly white washes the errors with a liberal biased only seen in US media. This article makes the New York Times (toilet paper of cover up record) look like a non-partisan truth teller.

The facts are clear.. "The story of Obama; All in the company," by Wayne Madsen clearly shows the cover up of his CIA ties. The fact that there are no records to indicate that he ever attended Columbia Law school and was infact part of a CIA funded group working in Afghanistan and pakistan has been well documented by Webster Tarpley, Wayne Madsen, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente and others.

The US media is a joke and deserves what is happening to the dinosour media. Obama has fooled the nation with help from the corporate giants. When will people wake up to Hollywood.

also watch this...

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