Some of my work from Fly Magazine

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10 reasons to unplug from the political charade

The obvious reason not to vote is because our Federal Leaders are violators of human rights all over the world, and voting for them makes one guilt by association in their bloody hand but here are 10 other reasons why not to cooperate...

1. Low your stress level - paying attention to all these ads could be hazardous to your stress level. Just forgetting it all together could help.

2. Get time to know your community - being involved on a community level is the best way to impact society. Helping the direct community around you strengthens people and brings a cohesiveness to the people around you.

3. Don't empower the corporations - by watching all the commercials, debates and mainstream media, people are assisting them in spreading their propaganda. The attention they get dictates the level of importance it has.

4. It's a race for rich people only. Most of the issues debated and argued, don't effect the average person in a positive way, no matter what the rich are always protected in one way or another, while the poor remain poor. The candidates just argue over how to handle the poor.

5. The system is flawed. Many state have a winner take all system in the electoral college system, ruling through mob rule.

6. Massive voter fraud corrupts the entire pool of votes. i.e. the film "The Bush Family Fortune." Bain capital has bought voting machines in Colorado and Ohio. over 30,000 dead people voted last time, 1400 people under 14 voted in Iowa, and the list goes on. 1.4 Million votes were lost in 2008.

7. Local control is the key to ensure liberty. The Federal government is out of control. People must have local regulation and control of their food, information, education, finances and politics. Voting for these Federal criminals continues to help them maintain control.

8. The Federal Government is in cahoots with all the major corporations, often scandals and violations of human rights are not publicized. Monsanto, Pepsi, and other companies are killing people from their food products, the government helps to protect these companies.

9. Neither Candidate are anti-war. War is a major money maker, until we are offered a candidate that has a new foreign policy, why should anyone vote for these war-mongering criminals.

10. The Federal Reserve - The true problem with out economy is the Federal Reserve, no one should vote for anything until the Federal Reserve is abolished.

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